SHMS Drama with Ms. Tinker

Welcome Timberwolves!!

Welcome to SHMS Drama! I am so excited to be your new Drama Teacher here at Heim! I am looking forward to a great year with you guys! I will be posting here frequently, and will include due dates, links to assignments in Google Classroom, important dates, and anything else that is important for the students in my classes. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding anything posted here. I am always available by email:


 Ms. Tinker


2/8: Conferences

Dear Parents,

Shirley Heim is using to make signups for conferences as convenient as possible this year. Please enter the following web address into your browser window:

If you do not have internet access , please contact us via phone at 540-658-5910.

11/13: High School Musical Jr. Auditions!!

High School Musical Jr. auditions are TODAY Monday, 11/13 in the choir room, and TOMORROW Tuesday, 11/14 in the forum. Come with a monologue (doesn't have to be memorized) and 30 seconds of a song (has to be memorized) and get ready to have some fun!

10/24: Class Plays

We have started class play rehearsal in all classes, and the focus right now is learning and memorizing lines. There has been one line check for each class, and there will be more until the plays go up in the beginning of December! Please make sure to be practicing your lines ALWAYS. There will be more info coming home about the dates of the plays ASAP. Thank you!!

9/25: Theatre Design Project (7th and 8th)

7th and 8th Graders, your Theatre Design Mini-Project is due at the end of your next class. Please bring materials you plan on using (ie poster board, boxes for dioramas, fabrics for costume boards) with you to class in order to complete your project. You cannot have an extension because you forgot to bring materials, you will just have to use what is available for you in class. Newsies: The Broadway Musical is available to view on Netflix if you need a refresher, and there is a copy of the project sheet here.

9/15: Field Trip

SHMS Drama's 7th and 8th Graders will be going to King's Dominion Scare School on Friday, October 6, 2017. There is a 20 student maximum and it will be first come first serve. Field trip forms have been distributed, and are available from Ms. Tinker. The form can also be found here. Ms. Tinker will accept forms AND payment on Monday, September 18thn in order to guarantee a spot on the trip. Please contact Ms. Tinker with any questions!

9/7: Syllabus Forms and Class Materials

Syllabus forms are due for X day students, and tomorrow (9/8) for Y day students. Please remember to bring a 2 pocket folder to leave in class next week. You will also need a 1" 3-ring binder for class, but you will not leave that here. Please email me with questions or concerns about the materials needed, or anything else!